edstrom@UNCAEDU.BITNET (11/03/87)
Has anyone been able to get the zmodem program from uh-info@uhupvm1 to decode? If so I'd like to borrow your decoder. None of the three I have will work.
ljdickey@water.UUCP (11/05/87)
In article <871103133655.0h1@UcEdu.UNCA.AdhocNet.CA> edstrom@UNCAEDU.BITNET writes: > >Has anyone been able to get the zmodem program from uh-info@uhupvm1 to >decode? If so I'd like to borrow your decoder. None of the three I have >will work. I also tried the ZMDM stuff from "uh-info@uhupvm1" and was unable to decode it using UUDECODE and ARC. Who posted ZMDM? Maybe, before it is posted again, (please), it could be tested by someone else. -- L. J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo. ljdickey@watmath.UUCP UUCP: ...!uunet!watmath!ljdickey ljdickey%water@waterloo.edu ljdickey@watdcs.BITNET ljdickey%water%waterloo.csnet@csnet-relay.ARPA
lean@sbcs (Lean L. Loh) (11/05/87)
> Has anyone been able to get the zmodem program from uh-info@uhupvm1 to > decode? If so I'd like to borrow your decoder. None of the three I have will > work. A few others and myself have also tried to uudecode that file from uh-info@uhupvm1 unsuccessfully. I think the copy there is corrupted; hence your uudecoder might be fine. Font Disk #1 from SOftLogik has Devoll, Thames, and Spokane. All are fairly nice. However, Devoll and Thames do NOT generate the 'less-than' and 'greater-than' signs ('<', '>'). Typing Shift-, or Shift-. gives you , and . respectively. Devoll also does not generate the = sign correctly. Why, i do not know. Also the Columbia font (in PD) shows the same syptoms. Has anyone tried the TIMES and HELVETICA font from FONT FACTORY? Is it worth getting? Latest (and greatest) version of GULAM is out. I believe Jim Turner will be posting it any day now. (..hint, hint , Jim !! ). The new version has corrected the memory-mugging problem among other things. Many thanks to Prabhaker and Jwahar again. -- CSNET: lean@sbcs.csnet ARPA: lean%suny-sb.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa UUCP: {allegra, hocsd, philabs, ogcvax}!sbcs!lean
juancho@utcsri.UUCP (11/09/87)
In article <801@sbcs.sunysb.edu> lean@sbcs (Lean L. Loh) writes: > Latest (and greatest) version of GULAM is out. I believe Jim Turner Post it. !Post it. !Post it. !Post it. !Post it. !Post it. !Post it. ! John W. Buchanan Dynamic Graphics Project Computer Systems Research Institute (416) 978-6619 University of Toronto juancho@toronto.CSNET {allegra,cornell,decvax,ihnp4,linus,utzoo}!utdgp!juancho -- John W. Buchanan Dynamic Graphics Project Computer Systems Research Institute (416) 978-6619 University of Toronto juancho@toronto.CSNET {allegra,cornell,decvax,ihnp4,linus,utzoo}!utdgp!juancho
cmm1@CUNIXA.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (Christopher M Mauritz) (05/22/89)
Hello out there! Anyone ever try using sz and rz with UniTerm? I tried last night and I kept getting TOS error #39. What does that mean? Does anyone know of a zmodem desk.acc that you can call up from any GEM program? I saw one that supported SEAlink, but zmodem would be so much nicer. Also, I just moved back into my parent's home for a few months and they have call waiting. Well, I guess I don't have to tell you what a miserable effect it's having on my datacommunicatns. Does anyone know how to turn call waiting off and on? Thanks.
dsmythe@cup.portal.com (dave l smythe) (05/23/89)
At least in my area (SF Bay Area), the call-waiting feature may be disabled via *70. I simply make my dialing prefix: 'ATDT*70,' (the comma is for a delay which allows you to get steady dial-tone -- the feature invocation causes stuttered dial tone for a second or so here). I also had the same problem with Uniterm. I now simply use the gulam term emulator and run rz/sz from gulam. Dave Smythe dsmythe@cup.portal.com
ehsnsr@JUPITER.NMT.EDU (Eric Hobbs) (12/03/89)
Hi Folks! I have the panarthea ZMDM.PRG. I also have the UNIX end of zmodem that is posted in the panarthea/sources listing. I believe I have compiled all the UNIX C programs right, but I still can't get it to transfer binary files. I and my friends, some of whom have a good amount of experience with zmodem, could get text files to transfer, but we had no luck with binaries. I also tried transferring binaries using the included UNIX Xmodem and Ymodem programs, but they didn't work either. I used Uniterm 2.0e with the X and Y transfers, and I used ZMDM with the Zmodem transfers. I was wondering if anyone had the same problem. If so, I need some help. Until then, I guess I will just have to settle for Kermit (too slow) or by doing a file capture as a file is being uuencoded on the SUN (Not elegant :-)). Thanxs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric Hobbs ehsnsr@jupiter.nmt.edu "Lad. Put away thy gum. Thou knowest not that I come in the service of yams." -Clay C. Smith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------