[comp.sys.atari.st] INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #742


Questions ???
     I wanted to know if it is possible to get a hard disk interface for
a segate 40 meg MFD drive. If so, how much and where.  And Would I have any
problems with it working with my atari ???
     I was also wondering if anyone was planing on getting rid of a HD.  Like
someone want a new bigger faster toy for chiristmas, but need to sell the old
one first.  Cause I am looking to add a HD to my atari ???? (Cheep ?)
     I also wanted to know about, and where to get, the Apple ][e emulator. ??
(Note: I have limited ftp access, this is hopefully going to change Friday ?)
     And their was something about TCP/IP, can I get a copy for the atari.
     What about that eprom TOS, is it avable ? Can someone send me more info on
it ????
     More quesions, what about good chip prices.  (I think they should have a
run up - down on the bottom of all computers screens so I can get an acurte and
current quote on chip prices )
     Does someone have a list of all archive sites ??
     Lastly, I would like info on becomming an registered atari programmer, is
their such a thing ?  
     Sorry for all the questions at once but I sort of let them get backed up
and the just finaly come out.  
     My address is : (I think this should work, things here are differnt)
     Thanks again