[comp.sys.atari.st] Hard drive kits. Which one?

Cassius_Gaius_Longinus@CC.SFU.CA (12/10/89)

Hi. How that I know I can send to the list, and hope that it makes 
it to the usenet as well, I have a couple questions.
First, I have managed to put together enough $$ for a hard drive. 
What I would like to know is, which of the kits is better, the ICD, 
the Supra, or the BMS one.  I realize thatit is somewhat difficult 
to say if you only had one of them, but what is the general feeling 
on the net. Also, what about drives. I think I want a seagate "ST296N", 
but the "ST277R" also looks good.OY(K which one do you people think 
it would be better - appart from the 20 meg extra storage of the 296, 
which I might not really need, but it's nice to have. Also, if the 
277 is the choice, do I get the "XT" or the "AT" kit, or just the 
bare drive?
Second, after having received all the parts (all 21 of them) for the 
GNUemacs from the Panathrea server, I found out that the 'emacs' file 
was corrupted. All other 'unzooed' ok, and even the emacs one did, 
but gave me a warning, and wouln't load. So, would a kind sould mail 
but gave me a warning, and wouln't load. So, would a kind soul mail 
me the 'emacs' file.  Also, is there a better editor that I should 
perhaps look at?
Thanks, and sorry to have gone on for so long but this IS my first 
'real' post. 
~ BITNET: usereaxe@sfu; INTERNET/ARPA: cassius_longinus@cc.sfu.ca   ~
~ UUCP:..!ubc-cs!cc.sfu.ca!cassius_longinus; or a1254@mindlink.uucp ~
~ CIS: 73040,2210;                                                  ~
~ Standard disclaimer:                                              ~
~   Since I work for myself, I stand behind my words!  SO there...  ~
~ Standard cute remark:                                             ~
~"Delay in the use of force, and hesitation to accept responsibility~
~for its employment when the situation clearly demands it, will     ~
~always be interpreted as a weakness. Such indecision will encourage~
~further disorder and will eventually necessitate measures more     ~
~severe than those which would have sufficed in the first instance" ~