[comp.sys.atari.st] Great Games for ST

Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252) (12/12/89)

Chris Edgington writes:

"I can't decide what game I should ask for for Christmas for my ST.  Tell me
what your favorite games are and why so I can make the best choice."

    I'll mention graphics-type games.  My number one favorites by order
of preference:

1.  Xenon2    --   --   --   MirrorSoft     (why go to an arcade anymore?)
2.  DungeonMaster  --   --   FTL
3.  TimeBandits    --   --   MichTron

    My personal requirement for a game is its duration of keeping me
interested, graphics, sounds, and user interface.  TimeBandits is the
old MichTron classic. It is awesome and I've been playing it since 1986.
I've yet to finish it.  It is an old friend, has great scrolling abilities
and fine graphics.
    DungeonMaster will cause you to fail your classes, call in sick, and
go without eating.  Graphics are great and the sound, though repititous,
quite good.
    Xenon2 is my new toy.  It is so good that it should be banned.  The
graphics are of the calibre of "You mean you can do THAT on an ST?"
    All three of the above games have a user interface that allows not
only the beginner but also pro to survive and have an enjoyable session.

1.  Xenon2 -- Space type shoot'em up.  But it ain't nuthin like you've
              experienced before.  BREATHLESS
2.  DungeonMaster -- Dungeon exploration game.
3.  TimeBandits -- Also an exploration game, but with many themes.  Has
                   multiple "games" and themes.  SO VERY GREAT.

    Potential great game:

1.  BloodMoney -- awesome graphics, great scrolls.  Has the same great
                  graphics as Xenon2.
    PROBLEM:   -- Has stupid copy protection.  It may or may not work
                  on your ST.  Insane if not criminal copy protection
                  method will kill this fantastic game.
    ADVICE:    -- Try this one out first before you buy.


    All three of the first mentioned games will work on TOS 1.4, at least
on my Mega2 with a four-meg memory upgrade and newly installed TOS 1.4. I
can't speak for 520K STs, though, whatever those are (grin).

Larry Rymal:  |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>