(Geoffrey Amthor) (12/17/89)
Hi. As many of you know, former Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has founded a new company that has produced an advanced personal computer/workstation known as the NeXT computer. This computer has been initally targeted at the university community, with more recent expansion into the mainstream business market. I won't belabor you with the details, but the NeXT computer is viewed as important because its pioneering application of new technology and a rather advanced bundling of both hardware and software, making the "lowest common denominator" (to which most developers write applications) rather high. The machine is somewhat controversial, as some are irritated that yet another standard has reached the marketplace, while some others believe the NeXT promises more than it delivers. On the other hand there is a growing group of NeXT fans who see it as THE platform for the future. Fans and flamers alike share one uncertainty, however: Will the NeXT succeed in the marketplace? I'm not in a position to answer that question, but I CAN tabulate what USENET readers think of the NeXT, and summarize that information for the net. As a graduate student interested in buying a NeXT, I realize that part of what holds me up is my ignorance of what *other* people think of it. My reasoning is this: if most other people aren't even close to buying, the NeXT will fail; if others are held back by mere (fixable) technicalities, the NeXT will likely succeed. Even if you haven't heard of the NeXT, you can help me by at least saying that. Like any survey, this one will benefit from a high percentage of returns--please vote! Of course, since returns are voluntary and readers are preselected by their subscription to USENET, results will be unscientific. But I am certain they will help me, and I WILL SUMMARIZE TO THE NET so that everyone else's curiosity can be satisfied. There are only 10 questions. When multiple choice options are offered, please select as many as apply--but IN ORDER OF PRIORITY. Feel free to add whatever comments you wish, but keep in mind that multiple choice selections are easier to summarize. Also, unless you indicate otherwise, summaries to the net will be ANONYMOUS, so if you secretly love or hate the NeXT, you needn't worry about the secret getting out. PLEASE REPLY BY E-MAIL. Postings will quickly dwarf the net, I may miss your posting, and I will summarize to the net anyway. Be assured that I have no affiliation whatsoever with NeXT or Businessland. Though I am a graduate student at the University of Iowa, this survey does not represent the interest of UI. SURVEY: 1. What is your occupation? 2. What computer(s) do you presently own or use regularly? What other computer(s) do you have actual experience with? 3. What contact have you had with the NeXT computer? A. Never heard of it B. Heard it talked about C. Have seen print ads (name publication) D. Have read articles about it (name publication) E. Have seen one in use or in demonstration (where?) F. Have tried it myself in demo (where?) G. Have used, or borrowed access to it, for some time H. Currently own it or have it provided for my own use I. Other (please specify) 4. How interested are you in purchasing a present or future version of the NeXT, or having your department acquire one for your use? (Specify purchase or department acquisition) A. Not even remotely interested, ever B. Haven't really though about it C. Wouldn't rule it out somday D. Would be interested *if* certain conditions were satisfied E. Would be *very* interested if certain conditions were satisfied F. Am literally ready to buy once certain conditions are met G. Am ready to buy right now H. Already own or have sufficient access to a NeXT I. Other (please specify) 5. If you named conditions in (2), which of the following apply? (Please name only those conditions that are *conditions*, not wish lists.) A. If I can find the money B. If the NeXT comes down in price (How much? Off of university or Businessland prices?) C. If I can get a hands-on look/feel (demo? rent? 30-day guarantee?) D. If color arrives E. If the CPU is upgraded to a 68040 and/or graphics are sped up F. If the floptical drive is made faster G. If the floptical drive is doubled in capacity to 512 MB H. If laser printing can be handled more seamlessly I. If the NeXT can be better integrated with existing equipment (name existing equipment) J. If a 3-1/2" floppy disk drive is bundled K. If a supplemental operating system runs in emulation or via co-processor, or if another UNIX variant runs (name the OS or variant) L. If a certain software category is filled by a high-quality application (name category) M. If a certain software package or language (such as C++) is ported to the NeXT (name item) N. If NeXT applications in general reach a critical mass O. If the NeXTStep interface is improved (name improvement sought) P. If enough NeXTs are sold to make it a "safe" platform Q. If a laptop NeXT arrives R. If a multi-user NeXT arrives (1 cube, several full function inputs that could either be dedicated Megapixel displays or NeXTStep interfaces in non-NeXT boxes. Indicate Megapixel or non-NeXT; if non-NeXT, specify the machine.) S. If IBM, which has licensed the NeXTStep interface, markets it T. If bugs are eliminated in the operating system U. If hardware reliability improves/is proven V. If distribution is widened to include my university (name university) W. If distribution is widened to more commercial vendors (suggest one) X. If my company/university/department endorses it (specify) Y. If customer support is improved (name support sought) Z. If.... (please specify) 6. Which of the above possibilities are not absolute conditions for you, but would carry significant favorable weight in your decision? 7. If you aren't seriously considering acquiring a NeXT in any incarnation, why not? A. Very happy with my own system (please specify) B. Don't have enough (or any) information about NeXT C. Already plan to buy another system (which system?) D. Price of NeXT is prohibitively high E. Don't think the NeXT will ever catch on F. Don't like the user/programmer interface (why not?) G. Require a different primary operating system or UNIX variant (specify OS or variant) H. Hardware is inadequate for needs (what is missing?) I. Have heard too many negative things about NeXT (such as?) J. Think the NeXT is "too much computer" for needs K. Buying a NeXT is politically impossible (why?) L. Other (please specify) 8. Does the NeXT interest you enough that you want to find out more about it? 9. As a computer user, what percent of your interest or time is devoted to end-user computing? To programming? To system administration? To other activities (specify)? How might these percentages change if you acquired a NeXT? 10. What do you think about how the NeXT has been marketed? Any suggestions for improvement?