[comp.sys.atari.st] INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #832


Ah, my first net posting...  I'm tingling all over.  Anyhow:

Dave Small just recently posted to the net a glowing review of the SyQuest
44 Mbyte removable-cartridge drives.  Some other people have also shown 
interest in these, but one topic has failed to come up.

According to a recent STReport (forget which issue, 116 I think), SyQuest 
is coming out with a 175 Mbyte version of the current 44 Meg model, at 
about the same price, accompanied by a drop in the price of the 44's...

Since I'm a not-yet-but-realsoon Hard Drive owner, and was very close to 
buying a SyQuest 44, I'd like more information on this.  Most importantly, 
will the folks who brought us the SQ555 (44 meg) in a plug-
and-play format (ie: Toad, ABCO, Atari, etc..) be bringing us the 175 Mbyte 
model anytime soon, and for how much?

Not bad for a first post...  Flameproofed and all.

--Daniel Rochman, rochman@ecf.toronto.edu

"You expect a .sig file and a disclaimer from a greenhorn?  C'mon!!"