[comp.sys.atari.st] Rainbow TOS Addendum

kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) (12/16/89)

Per several requests, here is the TEXT version of the Rainbow TOS
documentation addendum which dealers _should_ be giving out with
the Rainbow TOS upgrade.  If your dealer does not stock published
copies of this document, please have them contact Atari Dealer Service.

Many thanks to GEnie SysOp Jeff Wilson for typing this in from the
pamphlet and making it available via GEnie.


                     ATARI RAINBOW TOS ADDENDUM
 NOTICE: Rainbow TOS must be installed by an authorized Atari dealer.
 The new Rainbow TOS provides many improvements to your computer's 
 GEM Desktop operating speed and make your computer easier to use.
 To make sure you have Rainbow TOS installed in your computer, select 
 the Desktop Info option from the Desk menu.  This dialog box 
                |   GEM, Graphic Environment Manager  |
                |                TOS                  |
                |   ------------------------------    |
                |                /|\                  |
                |               ATARI                 |
                |                                     |
                |     Copyright 1985,86,87,88,89      |
                |         Atari Corporation           |
                |       Digital Research, Inc.        |
                |        All Rights Reserved          |
                |                                     |
                |             ----------              |
                |            |    OK    |             |
                |             ----------              |
 File Selector (formerly Item Selector)
 Two important changes affect this dialog box.  One is the the 
 addition of the Drive Selector.  The other is improved use of 
 wildcard characters.
 The Drive Selector displays drive identifier letters A through P.  
 Click on a letter to select that drive.  Drive identifiers 
 representing uninstalled drives appear in a light typeface and 
 cannot be selected.
 Use of wildcard characters allows you to more easily control the 
 Directory window display.  Use wildcard characters to replace 
 portions of the last section of a pathname on the Directory Line.
 For example, if D:\SALES\*.DOC appears on the Directory Line, only 
 files with the .DOC extension will display in the Directory window.  
 To display the entire contents of the subdirectory SALES delete .DOC 
 and replace it with the asterisk wildcard character.  Refer to your 
 computer owner's manual for further instructions on using wildcard 
 To display the new directory, press [Return].
 Move Files
 With Rainbow TOS you can move a file from one folder or drive to 
 another in addition to copying the file.
 First, select the file(s) you wish to move.  Then hold down 
 [Control] as you click on and drag the selected file(s) to a new 
 location.  During the move process, a Move File(s) dialog box 
 displays the number of files being moved.  As each file is moved, 
 the Move File(s) dialog box displays the file's name and complete 
 destination (disk or logical drive letter and folder name).
 When you copy or move files, Rainbow TOS does not change the date 
 and time stamp of those files.  File date and time information will 
 only be updated when the file is changed.
 Skip a Single File During Group Copying
 The option to skip a single file during a group copy procedure 
 becomes available when a file name conflict occurs.  A file name 
 conflict occurs when a file is copied from one location to another 
 and a copy of the file already exists at the new location.  The 
 following three options are presented when a name conflict occurs:
     Copy      Rainbow TOS overwrites the existing file and
               the copy operation continues.
     Skip      Rainbow TOS does not overwrite the file.
               Continues with the copy operation.
     Quit      Rainbow TOS does not overwrite the file.  Ends
               the copy operation.
 Abort Group Copy, Move, and Delete Operations
 You can abort the copy, move, and delete operations performed by 
 Rainbow TOS.  Press and hold down [Undo].  A dialog box displays, 
 giving you the choice of continuing or ending the operation.
 MS-DOS Compatible Floppy Disk Formatting
 Disks formatted with Rainbow TOS are fully MS-DOS compatible.
 Auto-Boot Applications
 The Install Application option of the Options menu allows you to 
 assign an auto-boot feature to any GEM based application programs.  
 An installed application automatically opens when you boot the 
 system. You can select applications with .PRG, .APP, or .TOS 
 Follow these instructions to start an application from a data file 
 or autoboot an application.
 1. Select a program file (.TOS, .APP, .PRG) from a directory 
    Select Install Application from the Options menu.  The 
    Install Application dialog box appears, listing the 
    application program file you selected from the desktop.
 2. To install the application to run from a data file, type
    the correct data file extension in the Document Type field.  
    This is the common extension of the files that use that 
    application.  (Consult the manual supplied with the 
    application for the most common file extension.)  If you 
    install an application to autoboot, you may leave the 
    Document Type field blank.
    Note:  Some applications can open from a desktop data file 
    only if the data file resides in the same folder as the 
    application program files.  Check the documentation 
    supplied with the application for more information.
 3. Select boot status:  Auto to autoboot an application, or
    Normal to start an application from the desktop.
 4. Select an application type.  Your choices are GEM, TOS, and
    Most programs that run from the desktop have the extension 
    .PRG or .APP.  Both of these extensions indicate a GEM 
    application.  However, some applications have the extension 
    .TOS or .TTP.  The extension .TOS indicates a TOS 
    application.  The extension .TTP indicates a TOS-takes-
    parameters application.
    Note:  To use a .TTP application, first select the 
    application, then enter the required parameters when the 
    dialog box appears.
 5. Select OK to finish.
 6. To save the application's installation, select Save Desktop
    from the Options menu.
 Disk Copy/Format Dialog Box
 Rainbow TOS uses a combined dialog box for copy and format 
 operations.  This box displays when you select either the Format 
 option from the File menu, or drag a disk drive icon on top of 
 another disk drive icon.
 Select Copy or Format from the Copy and Format dialog box.  Select 
 from the available options and click on OK.  The bar graphs in the 
 lower half of the screen graphically detail the copying or 
 formatting that occurs.
 Changing a Folder's Name
 With Rainbow TOS you can change the name of a folder.  Click on a 
 folder and select the Show Info option from the File menu.  The 
 Folder Information dialog box displays.  You can now type in a new 
 name for that folder.
 Keyboard Reset
 You can now reset your computer from the keyboard.  Hold down 
 [Control] and [Alternate], then press [Delete].  This key 
 combination is exactly the same as pressing the Reset button.
 Pressing [Control] [Alternate] [Right Shift] [Delete] causes a VERY 
 cold boot.  It clears all of RAM (except about 64 bytes at the 
 bottom) and then jumps to the ROMs.  This cold boot clears all 
 reset-proof RAMdisks and other data and variables that are cleared 
 by a cold boot but not a warm boot.

 Atari, the Atari logo, Rainbow TOS and TOS are trademarks or 
 registered trademarks of Atari Corporation.  GEM and GEM Desktop 
 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digital Research, Inc.  
 MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
 Copyright 1989, Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA.

   |||   Ken Badertscher  (ames!atari!kbad)
   |||   Atari R&D System Software Engine
  / | \  #include <disclaimer>

kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) (12/21/89)


It was GEnie SysOp Jeff WILLIAMS (not Jeff Wilson, whoever he is ;) who
typed in the Rainbow TOS Addendum for the edification of all...

I guess I must have been thinking of Jeff's SisOp Sandy Wilson when
I typed that header to the last message!

   |||   Ken Badertscher  (ames!atari!kbad)
   |||   Atari R&D System Software Engine
  / | \  #include <disclaimer>