[comp.sys.atari.st] Usenet uplinks, Chaos Strikes Back

steveg@SAIC.COM (Stephen Harold Goldstein) (12/21/89)

Add my name to the list against a one way link to GEnie.
While it might benefit the ST users there, I don't see a
benefit for Usenet, and further, why should GE profit off of
others' generosity?  "Two way or no way".

On the subject of the new Dungeon Master game, I've just started, and
it's great to be back with 'my old friends' hacking and slashing
again.  However, as I read INFO-ATARI16 digests, I can't simply skip
over messages with DM or Chaos in the subject line.  Occaisionally my
eye catches key words or phrases before I can page down.  As such, I
would appreciate minimizing info that might spoil the game for me and
others - for example, new beasties, puzzles etc.  It's much more fun
to find them on your own (and then die quickly).  Perhaps a
comp.sys.atari.st.chaos?  Or maybe 'stuck' adventurers could post a
request for help, and then send specifics via e-mail to responding
helpers.  My party and I thank you.