[comp.sys.atari.st] Metafile problem

dcrevier@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Dan Crevier) (01/08/90)

Hi, I am writing a graphing program with Laser C that creates metafiles for
high resolution output.  I am using the OUTPRINT.PRG program from Easy-Draw to
print out the metafiles.  When I try to specify the size of a font using
vst_point(), it looks great on the screen, but when I print out the metafile
I create, it always prints the font very small.  I am not sure what the size
it, but it is the same every time.  If I use vst_height, it prints out
larger fonts, but I can't get exact point sizes, so the fonts are scaled and
don't look very good.  I am using NDC coordinates.  Everything looks great
when I create Metafiles with Easy-Draw the output looks great.  I am using
the Epson 24 pin drivers from easy draw to print stuff out.  Does anyone
know what is going on?  Also, how can you print to the printer directly?
When I try opening device 21, it just ejects a empty page.

