[comp.sys.atari.st] Moving an ST from UK to US

kev@ist.CO.UK (Kev Holmes) (01/08/90)

A colleague of mine (who doesn't use the Net) is shortly to move
to the US. If possible, he would like to take his 520 STM with him
but is wondering whether the cost of altering the (external) power 
supply would be prohibitive. The daisy-chaining of floppy drives
would also be useful. 

Therefore if anyone has any information on whether the alteration
is possible and, if so, what's required, we'd appreciate hearing
from you. If someone has succeeded in the past then so much the 

Any replies to me and I'll pass them on.

Kev Holmes     kev@ist.CO.UK |"If you don't play the game,  
Imperial Software Technology | you shouldn't write the rules."
Reading, Royal Berkshire, UK | Dave Allen 06/01/90