[comp.sys.atari.st] Beckemeyer Development has moved

david@bdt.UUCP (David Beckemeyer) (01/11/90)

The new address and telephone number is:

	Beckemeyer Development
	P.O. Box 21575
	Oakland, CA 94620

	Voice: (415) 530-9637
	BBS: (415) 530-9682 (1200/2400 baud 24 hrs).
David Beckemeyer			| "To understand ranch lingo all yuh
Beckemeyer Development Tools		| have to do is to know in advance what
478 Santa Clara Ave, Oakland, CA 94610	| the other feller means an' then pay
UUCP: {uunet,ucbvax}!unisoft!bdt!david	| no attention to what he says"