[comp.sys.atari.st] PC emulator outlook

FNDDR@ALASKA.BITNET ("Don Rice, GI 708B, 474-7569", 907) (01/13/90)

Here's some recent info and a question.

First, Avant-Garde's answering machine claims that they are now shipping.
I still haven't seen one.  I hope the first person to get one will report
on the net.

We had some money allocated to buy PC-Ditto II for an office 1040 ST.  We
waited until the end of December, when the money was due to expire, and
were faced with either letting the funds expire or purchase another
emulator.  It looked to me like the only other game in town was PC-Speed
from Michtron, so I ordered one from E. Arthur Brown.  He says he doesn't
recommend them for 1040s because it is hard to fit them in the required
space, but I ordered it anyway for lack of anything else to do.

So, the question for PC-Speed owners: is it worth the trouble of fitting
it in?  If it is a well-behaved emulator (as PC DITTO I is for the most part)
I will make the effort to cram it in whatever space is available.  Otherwise,
I'll see about exchanging it for Supercharger, which EAB says is an external
DMA port plug-in emulator due out in 60-90 days.

Any information would be appreciated.  Thanks,
Don Rice

ps: in response to an earlier question of "why bother with pc emulators,"
one reason is to save space.  If you simply don't have enough room to set
up another computer, an emulator is a very nice solution...