[comp.sys.atari.st] poolfix, tos bugs and the 40 folder limit

depeche@quiche.cs.mcgill.ca (Sam Alan EZUST) (01/15/90)

All these TOS bugs are really confusing me... Could someone please
clarify. Here are my questions.

1] With respect to TOS 1.4, what IS the 40 folder limit?
2] If I have more than 40 folders per subdirectory, does it crash?
3] If I have more than 40 folders per PARTITION, does it crash?
4] Does the original FOLDERXX.PRG still work for 1.4, or do I need
  a newer version?

5] This is to apratt of Atari
   I already have TOS14fix.prg in my autofolder. Now I am supposed to
put POOLFIX into it too? Why not incorporate both into ONE file so
we don't end up getting 18 stupid patch programs cluttering up our
AUTO folders?

S. Alan Ezust                                   depeche@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca
McGill University School of Computer Science -  Montreal, Quebec, Canada