I'd like to thank everyone for the help they've given me in getting opus 2.2 to work properly, especially Graham Thomas in the UK. With his help, I got everything sorted out. Here's what needs to be done: 1) The ASSIGN.SYS file that GDOS creates for you uses 1-digit device numbers for the SCREEN.SYS driver. These need to be changed to two digits with a leading 0 for OPUS to understand them properly. Thus, where GDOS puts a line like: 4p SCREEN.SYS you need to have: 04p SCREEN.SYS instead. Now, ASSIGNER.PRG will run properly. 2) As the documentation suggests, OPUS is a big program, and needs a lot of memory. When running FONTWID.PRG, the amount of memory free for font usage is displayed as "workstation memory". You have to make sure that the "font memory" it displays after it has finished its work is less than the "workstation memory" for OPUS to accept the fonts. On a machine with more than 1 Meg it's probably ok, but on 1Meg machine, you need to remove any fonts (for both screen and printer together) that you can, until the "font memory" is low enough. You can easily tell which fonts are the largest by looking at the space they occupy on disk. In my case, I kept only the ATSS fonts, and everything finally worked. If you have too many fonts, you will get the ubiquitous "screen and printer fonts don't match" message. OPUS has a really nice charting facility, and it's worth it. I've found only two problems so far: The first is of course the trouble in getting the fonts set up right, and that fact that the shortage of memory problem could be handled with a clearer message. The second is that when you want to load a file, if the directory pointed to has no *.OPS (or whatever) files, opus seems to hang. This doesn't happen all the time, and it may be the file selector, not opus itself. But if there's at least one file that matches the selection criteria, it works well. A side effect of shortening the list of fonts is that now I can get everything (G+PLUS, the fonts and drivers, and OPUS with its files) on one disk, with the data files on another one. Thanks again to everybody! I hope this summary of my experiences will help other people out there getting OPUS up and running. Send Doug Harrison his $15 if you like it; it's a great bargain! Mike Schmidt bitnet: schmidtm@cmr001 Bull HN Ltd internet: ................................................................. All my opinions are entirely fictional; any resemblance to those held by real persons, corporate or otherwise, is purely coincidental. (or just dumb luck!)