data serially, using one address line for the write enable signal and another for a single data bit. This is how the SmartWatch clock/calendar sockets work. If you have enough address lines available, you could write out nibbles or whole bytes the same way. If you call the lower 8 address lines your write data bus and A8 your write signal, you could transmit bytes to your external circuit by reading from addresses xx100H to xx1FFH. I have an microprocessor in circuit emulator that uses this technique to get at internal CPU information through a ROM socket. Its data rate is very slow, suitable only for single stepping and not real time emulation. The emulator can, however monitor bus traffic in real time. So when I need to examine a specific register in real time I insert a subroutine to read from FFxxH to signal the regiser contents. Philip Munts, N7AHL University of Alaska, Fairbanks FTPAM1@ALASKA