harryk@bucsb.UUCP (Harry Karayiannis) (02/05/90)
Hi world! I'd like to report a major bug I found in the MWC's 'resource.prg' (you know it's the one that creates/modifies/edits resource files (.RSC)) I have the MWC compiler for over 6 months now, and among other things I was happy I could use a decent resource editor, like resource.prg. BUT, a month ago I purchased a 85 Mb seagate HD, along with the ICD faST HD kit, which I formatted to have 9 part itions. I'm working on a GEM application and until that time I was doing every- thing using disks and RAM-disk...naturally, I installed MWC in my new hard disk and everything was fine, until I tried to edit the resource file of my program! Here it comes: The 9 partitions I use are from C to K. When ruuning the 'resource.prg', it shows all the connected drives/partitions as icons on its OWN desktop. Well, icons A to H are ok, BUT the next icon, instead of having the letter I as its identifier, it has AGAIN the letter A .... icons J,K apear to be OK again. The trash-can icon is not OK at all..it is corrupted with just half of its drawings appearing in its interior and the name of the icon is not shown at all If that was all, I wouldn't mind, but listen to this: I tried to open the window for the partition I (which appears on the desktop as partition A) and i got an error alert saying something like: "you cannot access this device, check the connections" or something similar. OK, suppose I can live with it, and don't use partition I at all...but there is more..... The resource file of my program is located in e:\mwc\src Lets try to load it so I can make the changes i want. I open the window for partition E and i'm get ting in the folder "mwc/src"...here is the file.. Now try to "Open" it......... ooppppsss......what's that?..an error message: "I cannot find .RSD file" what the %^%&$%*^*%%*% is it talking about? BOTH FILES ARE IN THERE(.RSC, .RSD) (.RSD is the corresponding .DFN file for RCS.PRG, or .DEF file for RCP.PRG) Let's ignore the error mesage, go on you stupid program.....whaaoo 3 bombs and back to the ST's desktop. AND now i have to reset my system...Shit!!!! JESUS CHRIST, I can't even open the file...so the 'resource.prg' is useless I tried to run it with no AUTO-programs and accessories present..same thing. I tried to load some other .RSC files (for my previous project)...nothing. I copied the program to drive A:, and ran it from there.....no luck. I disabled the hd and ran it from drive a:\. Yes, it worked fine........... Hmmm...maybe the ICD boot-utility is not compatible with the program. So, I made drive A:\ to be the booting drive, with the hard disk enabled. I tried again to run it from the hd..it didn't work, i tried from A:\..it didn't work. Perhaps I should ask my friend Alex, who has a 65Mb Supra Drive. Well, it works fine with his system..but wait a sec....his hd has ONLY 6 partitions installed. So I disabled partitions K,J,I and gave it another try! I cannot believe it! IT WORKS FINE NOW....THE #@$%^&^%$#$ PROGRAM CANNOT WORK WITH MORE THAN SIX DEVICES INTALLED ON THE SYSTEM. It sucks....I want all of my partitions, that's why i installed them If anyone from Mark Williams read this article, I 'd like him to pass it to the guys who are reasponsible for this MAJOR BUG. Being one of your customers and a person who uses his ST for programming mostly,I demand to get a fixed version of the 'resource.prg' file with no extra cost (or at least minimum-cost). It's a shame, such a good program to suffer from this kind of problems! This article became too long. Sorry! HARRY KARAYIANNIS 3rd year Computer Science Boston University PS: Of cource I will write MWC personally, to inform them about this bug; but I thought it was good for you to know about it too! ---------------------------------------- SORRIE FOR ANIE MISPELSS-------------- I am just another Greek!