[comp.sys.atari.st] Inquiring GDOS Status for Prospero Languages

phch020@dwuuni21.BITNET (02/08/90)

Date:     Wed, 7 Feb 90   20:30h cet
From:     <phch020@dwuuni21.BITNET>  "Th.-M. Kruel"
To:       <info-atari16@score.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject:  Inquiring GDOS Status for Prospero Languages

Two weeks ago I asked about how to inquire GDOS. Thanks to all who posted.
Here is the solution suitable for Prospero languages:
(adapted to Prospero Macro assembler)

      xdef  vq_gdos     ; announce global reference

      section .code

      movea.l 4(sp),a0  ; get address of the argument
      move.w  #-2,d0    ; set d0 to -2
      trap    #2        ; call system (GDOS will modify d0)
      cmp.w   #-2,d0    ; compare d0 with -2
      sne     d0        ; test condition, sets d0 = 0 if true, otherwise -1
      ext.w   d0        ; extend to 16 bit
      move.w  d0,(a0)   ; move d0 to address in a0

      move.l  (sp)+,a0  ; move stackpointer to a0
      adda.w  #4,sp     ; add 4
      jmp     (a0)      ; jump to the address in a0 (back to calling program)

 from Pascal:  vq_gdos (i_gdos)     (where: var i_gdos:integer2)
 returns -1 if GDOS loaded, otherwise 0.

Thomas-Martin Kruel     Inst.f.Physikal.Chemie d.Univ.Wuerzburg, Marcusstr.9-11
                        D-8700 Wuerzburg, West Germany
BITNET:                 <phch020@dwuuni21.bitnet>
EAN:                    <kruel@vax.rz.uni-wuerzburg.dbp.de>