(Edgar Roeder) (02/09/90)
Now that GNU-Emacs 18.55 has finally appeared on, I think it's time to summarize some of the problems people had with the installation. 1. missing termcap file Although mentioned in the README, the /etc/termcap-file was missing in the distribution. Sorry about that. I have posted a sample time some time ago here in 2. "termcap file not found" Emacs looks for the termcap file as "\etc\termcap" (this means in the directory termcap on the same drive where emacs was started) or it looks at the place specified in the environment var TERMCAP. But it expects the filename in unix-syntax. A value of "\emacs\misc\termcap" IS WRONG (uses \ instead of /). A value of "E:/lib/emacs/termcap.em" IS WRONG (uses E: for a drive instead of /dev/E as suggested in README). A value of "/dev/E/emacs/stuff/termcap" IS OK. 3. "terminal cannot position cursor" Then you have possibly edited the file or used ascii-file transfer. The file contains ^M at the end of the lines. For emacs, ^M is just a char like any other. So the backslash intended to mask the end-of-line in continuation lines only masks the carriage-return. The next ^J (end-of-line) will end the current entry. If you see no way to remove the carriage-returns, you can at least concatenate all lines of an entry (until you can edit them with emacs). 4. incorrect display, missing characters There was a bug in the stdio-library used to compile emacs. Therefore you cannot use ^J for the 'do'-capability (cursor-down). Please use 'do=\EB' instead. 5. temacs complains about missing files with dashes in their names This is a problem of some zoo-versions. For example the zoo compiled with Turbo-C (and posted in converts '-' in filenames to '_'. You have to rename the files (or use another zoo). 6. temacs is unable to find any lisp file Temacs will not look in the current directory for lisp files until it is dumped. It searches them in "../lisp". So please move the files into a directory named lisp. 7. dumpfix says that the two xemacs versions have the same basepage As mentioned in dumping.txt, you should create the dumps at DIFFERENT LOCATIONS IN RAM. You can achieve this by adding another accessory or calling a second shell. 8. what are the correct answers to dumpfix' questions ? I don't know. If you get a problem with the dumped emacs and are not sure wether this can be related to "incorrect answers" to the questions of dumpfix, you can always try to reproduce the problem with the initialized, but not dumped temacs (call "temacs -l loadup.el"). If the problem is not there, you can for example switch the two first parameters to dumpfix and try again. 9. emacs gets a bus-error (address-error, ...) after the initial screen See my previous posting about the timeout-problem. Don't apply the binary patches posted here some weeks ago. The problem was not so easy than i thought after a first look (:-(). 10. how can i swap the meanings of Backspace/Delete ? Please see the regular discussions in comp.emacs and gnu.emacs on this topic. The documentation for global-set-key might also help you (press Help f global-set-key Return). I think this should be enough for today. If you have more questions (but please not "can you mail me parts xx-yy?" :-)), you can always send mail. - Edgar -- Mail: Edgar R\"oder E-Mail: Liesbet-Dill-Stra\ss e 3 D-6602 Dudweiler -o- -o- W-Germany ^ Phone: 06897/74643 '---'