[comp.sys.atari.st] Piracy and Upgrades

pritchaj@agnes.acc.stolaf.edu (John Pritchard) (02/09/90)

O.K. so I am whining....

I have had my 1040st system for a couple years now and still like it.  One
of the things that was attractive to me about the ST was the inexpensive
yet good quality software that was available.  But since I purchased my
software a year or two ago, upgrades have come out, and I would like to 
follow-up on those upgrades.  I have had 4 experiences as of late with
		SuperBase Personal 2 --> Professional
		Publishing Partner --> PageStream
WordPerfect and UIS were fairly easy to upgrade, and fairly inexpensive.
The documentation addendum to WP was a little to be desired, but I can live
with that.  UIS sent a manual (UIS I and II only had a couple sheets of paper),
which was really nice to have.

I just orderred my PageStream upgrade, reluctantly.  I realize that they
made a major effort to rewrite the product, but what about loyalty to those
of us who buy and register?  I have not yet decided to go with the new
SuperBase.  From what I have heard (nothing official, yet), the upgrade is
$200.00.  Again, I realize this is a whole new package, but what about a 
little loyalty?  Superbase even places a little propaganda in their packages
about the normal progression throught their packages, showing how you go
from one to the next.  Does this bother anyone else?  Any other experiences?
John Pritchard
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057