[comp.sys.atari.st] vote on comp.periphs.scsi

emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) (02/13/90)

I put forth the idea of comp.periphs.scsi about a month ago on
comp.periphs and a few other groups.  Reaction to the idea was almost
entirely positive, reaction to the name was pretty good.  The call for
votes went out to news.announce.newgroups on Feb 9; this means if
the vote passed the group will be created early March.

The idea of a comp.periphs.scsi is to collect all of the hard-won
information about various SCSI peripherals that's uniform across
all platforms.  I anticipate a fair amount of cross-posting into
this group from the comp.sys.*.hardware groups.

Please mail votes to
	To: emv@math.lsa.umich.edu
with the header
	Subject: YES vote on comp.periphs.scsi
or	Subject: NO vote on comp.periphs.scsi

I'll collect these, tabluate them, and let you know what the
result is through news.announce.newgroups.

Please redirect followups to comp.periphs for substantive SCSI
discussion, news.groups for formal or procedural issues.

Edward Vielmetti, U of Michigan math dept