[comp.sys.atari.st] zoo problems

wao@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (william.a.oswald) (02/13/90)

Has anyone on the net successfully unpacked a zoo file
(anything.zoo) using any of the available zoo programs?
I have down loaded several .zoo files using XMODEM and
KERMIT and have tried to unpack them using several ZOO
programs (booz for example). Nothing works. I always
get a CRC error.

Bill wao@cbnewsm.att.com

mwjester@wsucsa.uucp (02/14/90)

In article <9221@cbnewsm.ATT.COM>, wao@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (william.a.oswald) writes:
> Has anyone on the net successfully unpacked a zoo file
> (anything.zoo) using any of the available zoo programs?
> I have down loaded several .zoo files using XMODEM and
> KERMIT and have tried to unpack them using several ZOO
> programs (booz for example). Nothing works. I always
> get a CRC error.
> Thanks
> Bill wao@cbnewsm.att.com
>      wao@aloft.att.com

I originally got zoo from terminator (the file zoobin.arc, if I recall) and
have had very few problems...and these problems have been caused by doing a
file transfer in the wrong mode.  A typical sequence for me might be:

ftp a file from an internet site to the local VAX
kermit the file from VAX to ST (using Uniterm)
unzoo the file

As long as I remember to use binary as the type, things come out OK.  For the
FTP part, this usually means SET TYPE I; on the VAX end of Kermit, it's SET
FILE TYPE BINARY.  In Uniterm, binary is an option on the Kermit dialog box.
One check that helps when FTPing - the number of bytes transferred should be
equal to the filesize (if the host lists sizes in bytes, e.g.Unix).  If the
counts don't match, you _will_ get CRC errors.

Hope this helps - feel free to email with questions.

Max J.

boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) (02/15/90)

In article <9221@cbnewsm.ATT.COM>, wao@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (william.a.oswald,alc,) writes:
>Has anyone on the net successfully unpacked a zoo file
>(anything.zoo) using any of the available zoo programs?
>I have down loaded several .zoo files using XMODEM and
>KERMIT and have tried to unpack them using several ZOO
>programs (booz for example). Nothing works. I always
>get a CRC error.
>Bill wao@cbnewsm.att.com
>     wao@aloft.att.com

I have done so.  I first used booz to unpack zoo.ttp, which I drive using 
Arcshell 2.?.  Worked fine for me, perhaps xmodem and kermit are the problem.


              Mickey Boyd            |    "Nobody can be exactly like me.
         FSU Computer Science        |      Even I have trouble doing it."
      mail:  boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu   |              - Tallulah Bankhead

ljdickey@water.waterloo.edu (L.J.Dickey) (02/16/90)

In article <9221@cbnewsm.ATT.COM> wao@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (william.a.oswald,alc,) writes:
>Has anyone on the net successfully unpacked a zoo file
>(anything.zoo) using any of the available zoo programs?
>I have down loaded several .zoo files using XMODEM and
>KERMIT and have tried to unpack them using several ZOO
>programs (booz for example). Nothing works. I always
>get a CRC error.

Sure, many.  Never had a problem.  There are two ways to do it.
One is to make sure that your file transfer protocol handles
full 8 bit bytes.  Many are oriented to handling only graphic
characters (94 or 95 or so).  The other, which I use, is to
"uuencode" the file first, then "uudecode" it at the other end.
This is the choice I use.  I have zoo on the Atari ST and the
PC and UNIX system at the office.

The uu-encoder and decoders that I like best are UUE and UUD by
J-J.Dumas.  His code is highly reliable and overcomes some of
the difficulties of certain notorious gateways between BiTNET,
and UseNet and InterNet.

    L. J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo.
	ljdickey@water.UWaterloo.ca	ljdickey@water.BITNET
	ljdickey@water.UUCP		..!uunet!watmath!water!ljdickey