[comp.sys.atari.st] ST-Xpress

bluneski@pogo.WV.TEK.COM (Bob Luneski) (02/17/90)

>has anyone heard anything about st xpress?  i bought it on the
>newsstand occassionally last year, decided i liked it and send in $$
>for a subscription, only to get two issues in four months and no more
>issues since november or so.  i had heard rumors of trouble...  any
>official word on this (fairly good) magazine?  if they have failed,
>what is the likelihood of getting some of my money back?

ST-Xpress went the way of ST-Log -> belly up.  The November issue was their
last. After a financial reorganization and recapitalized by 
Quill Publishing it will be reborn in April as ST Journel.  It is my 
understanding that they will honor at least part of the unused portions
of ST-Xpress subscriptions. You can find out more by writing to

Quill Publishing
113 W. College St.
West Covina, CA.

  Bob Luneski                                                             
  Diamond Back Support Hotline:  bluneski@pogo.WV.TEK.COM                
                                 Genie: B.LUNESKI1                       
  The opinions expressed herein are my own and in no way reflect the     
  opinions of Tektronix, Inc.                                            