[comp.sys.atari.st] Screen Saver and Alternate Desktop.

v077l5lx@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (02/19/90)

	I just caught up on reading the net messages, and noticed that quite
a few people are looking for a good screen saver.  If there is interest, and
a few good suggestions, we ( B&G Software ...yes, we are a new company) would
be glad to create one and release it as shareware.  If enough people want it,
we will make it... just send me Email with your opinion.
	We would also like opinions and suggestions as to what features you 
would like in an alternate desktop... and any other utilities you feel you
might want.
	Please do not interpret this as an add; We don't even have anything
to sell yet.  We are just trying to find out what you need and want.  It
will be a while before we get finished with the four projects we are working
on (and modify and improve them according to your suggestions).  However, the
screen saver can be completed relatively quickly once we tally the replies we
receive over the next week or so.
	Thanks for your suggestions.

	V077L5LX@UBVMSD				Guy DiPietro
	      or    			  President of B&G Software