[comp.sys.atari.st] Mystic Formatter and MACCEL2 problems...

kar7481@cuphub.cup.edu (Dan Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609) (02/28/90)

Has anyone had problems using DC's Mystic Formatter and

* I mean "boot with both DA's" *

(I have TOS 1.2-- but that shouln't matter...)
 | Dan Karbowsky      kar7481@pitt!cuphub|   S U P P O R T  T H E  S T ! ! !   |
 | 102 Lee Drive      __________________/ Call the ATARI ELITE of PITTSBURGH'S |
 | Belle Vernon, PA  / BBS (Forem-ST,fnet node 19)  at (412) 384-5609 at 300   |
 | 15012   U.S.A.   /      thru 19.2k baud 24 hrs./day 7-days/week!!           |
 |                 / **** WE NOW SUPPORT USRobotics 38.4k/ARQ PROTOCOL !!!! ***|
 | (412)929-4023  / See you all APRIL-1 at the Canadian Atari Users Convention |
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