v077l5lx@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (03/01/90)
Hello, Thank you for all your replies about what you wanted to see in a screen saver (and any other type of program for that matter). We took the most popular suggestions and put together a screen saver that we hope you will like. It is posted on Terminator in the NEW directory (anyone who would like more information on how to FTP to Terminator, please send me Email and I'll get back to you.) Terminator.cc.umich.edu We don't have an extensive software base to test it on, but it worked well with everything we had. If you encounter any difficulties please contact me and explain the problem. We will do ourbest to ix it. The program is ARCed and is in the file called SCRN_SAV.ARC (you must use capital letters...sorry about that.) I hopits what you're looking for. V077L5LX@UBVMSD Guy DiPietro or President of B&G Software V077L5LX@UBVMS.cc.Buffalo.edu
agostino@sherlock.cs.concordia.ca (DELIGIA agostino) (03/02/90)
Well, I tried out B&G's new screensaver on my monochrome 1040ST system. I set the saver to `blank' and hit `ok'. After the set elapsed time the screen went blank as predicted. I move the mouse and the desktop comes back ok. But when I double-click on scsave.prg to change the settings, I get two bombs and the screen freezes. The only thing I can do is move the mouse. At the time, I had UISII.PRG, MACCEL2.PRG (screensaver OFF), FONTTRIX.ACC, LOADKBD.ACC, CONTROL.ACC, INTRAM.ACC and STBLANK.ACC (OFF) in mempry. So, obviously, I thought one of the screensaver's might be interfering or something. So, I rebooted with no auto prgs or accs. I ran scsave.prg again and set it to `blank' and clicked on `ok'. Again, no problems with the blanking and returning to the desktop. This time, when double-clicking on scsave.prg again, I _did_not_ get any bombs, but my screen froze again. Well, I dunno what's wrong. What I got to see so far looks good; I hope the people at B&G can fix the bug (or if there isn't any, at least let me know where I went wrong? :-) ) Agostino Deligia agostino@sunkisd.cs.concordia.ca agostino@concour.cs.concordia.ca