[comp.sys.atari.st] how do I convert ST color monitor to tv?

cstein@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Clifford Stein) (03/11/90)

Oh mighty Atari warriors:

I have, as do most of you, probably, an Atari SC1224 color monitor and would
like to know if it is possible to connect a VCR or tv tuner to the monitor
so it can turn into a boob tube.  Anybody have any ideas on how this can be
done without spending $600 on a genlock?

please send replies via e-mail

thanks for any suggestions

cliff stein (for his really cool brother)
cstein@jarthur.claremont.edu  |   "Cops and women don't mix.  It's like 
cstein@jarthur.uucp	      |   eating a spoonful of Draino: sure it'll
...uunet!jarthur!cstein	      |   clean you out, but it'll leave you 
cstein@hmcvax.bitnet          |   feeling hollow inside."-- Naked Gun