[comp.sys.atari.st] Bob Brodie speaks to Fort Worth/Dallas users!!!

Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252) (03/11/90)

Hello all,

         In these days of ST uncertainty, no doubt exaggerated by so
many factors, it is refreshing to hear honesty and truths.  Bob
Brodie arrived at a coordinated users' group meeting conducted by three
Texas clubs in the Fort Worth/Dallas area:  North Texas Computer Team,
Atari Users of North Texas, and Dallas Area Atari Enthusiasts.  Meeting in
an auditorium at the InfoMart complex, he gave an informative
session, demoing everything that the ST had to offer, short of the ATW,
030, and HOTZ box.
         I thought that I'd share part of the meeting with you and do admit
that I feel a bit better about my ST investment.
         Bob started the meeting saying that "Atari enthusiasts are moving into
cooperate headquarters now."  Interpret that as you may.  The impression
given is that the spirit is returning to Atari U.S.A. and a lot of ground
breaking.  Here are some brief facts given which he said may be quoted:

  1.  Atari STe's in U.S.A. -- Seriously, any day.  This is not the old
         REAL SOON NOW phrase either.  I expect the STe's to be available
         very quickly.

  2.  Mega STe's (!!) -- There is real serious talk on the Mega platform.
        We have talked with developers and are getting ideas.  Currently,
        we are investigating whether to build Megas with the standard
        internal port or an internal VMI port.  Most developers have
        opted for the VMI.  This is exciting and that is about all that I
        can say on it.  Just stay tuned.'

  3.  Stacey -- Should be ready by April/May.  The unit here at InfoMart
        is not the same as what will be in production.  In fact, this
        Stacey is version #2 [Bob flipped the STacey over and sure 'nuff,
        there it was--a numeral '2'].  Here are some changes that we are

        a.  We are working from the high end STacey (four meg ram/40 meg
             hard drive) to the low end, rather than the other way around.

        b.  There will not be a battery pack.  The STacey sucks the life
             out of batteries too fast.  Instead, we are working with a
             third market company that is producing an external bolt-on
             pack which gives about four hours of life on the four megged

        c.  Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac said that this would be no
             problem for his use since electricty is available at concerts
             and studios (referencing no battery packs).

 4.  The Lynx -- Available now at Sears.  [hmmmmmmmmmmmm]  Production is
        cranking now and it should be available nation-wide for dealers.

 5.  MIDI-TASKING -- This is the multi-tasker that has been mentioned in
        the magazine.  As far as I know, it will be available during the
        latter part of summer.  The various configurations are being
        experimented with.  It really is quite solid and will be $12.95.

 6.  The EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE program -- Objections to high costs of exchange
        are noted but there is a reason.  Too many individuals were using
        the program to exchange older units for newer.  520 STs with the
        older singled sided drives were being exchanged for units with
        double sided.  The cost was horrific all in all to Atari.  The
        rest of the users are having to suffer for the conduct of a few.

 7.  Monochrome monitor shortage -- GoldStar was holding back on production.
        A threat by our part to use JVC resulted in the resumption of
        production.  The problem should ease by the end of the month.

 8.  STe's and memory chips -- They are all SIMMS chips, no SIPPS in spite
        of what has been said on UseNet [hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm].


      I was impressed with Bob and his answers.  Perhaps we are getting
ready to see a Winter Thaw for this spring.

Larry Rymal:  |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>