[comp.sys.atari.st] linear algebra package

swklassen@tiger.waterloo.edu (Steven W. Klassen) (03/13/90)

Now that ver. 1.0 of my toolkit has been completed, it is time
to start working on ver. 2.0.

Currently I am planning on ver. 2.0 to included a library for
working with various implementations of binary trees, as well
as a library which I am currently just calling a linear algebra

My initial proposal for the linear algebra package would include
a number of routines for finding the roots of polynomials and
for working with matrices.  The matrices routines would include
finding determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, norms (maybe),
row reduction (solving systems of equations), inversion, and
multiplying matrices.  This is a rather incomplete list and I
am hoping that some of you out there can help add to this list.
Please e-mail me and tell me what you would look for in a linear
algebra package.  What sort of routines (if you could provide
the location of algorithms, i.e. names of textbooks, that 
would also be useful) would you like to see, and what sort
of calling format would you like to see.  I won't guarantee
that I will use all your ideas or even that I will respond to
your mail, but I will consider all ideas.

ver. 2.0 of the toolkit (including all updates and corrections
from ver. 1.0, a library for working with binary trees, and
the linear algebra package) should be ready by Christmas but
I can make no guarantees to that effect.  (Depends on how much
overtime I get at my new job.)

(P.S. If anyone wants to help write any of it, or if you already
have some routines which you have written but don't want to go
to the trouble of supporting, feel free to e-mail me and we can
probably work something out.)

Steven W. Klassen                       +-----------------------------+
Computer Science Major                  | Support the poor...buy fur! |
University of Waterloo                  +-----------------------------+