[comp.sys.atari.st] Stevie 3.69a

adp1@csug.cs.reading.ac.uk (Andrew Pollard) (03/13/90)

Has anyone else tried to compile Stevie 3.69a (from comp.sources.misc) for the
ST.  I tried quickly this evening, after bodging an ascii.h file (it didn't seem
to come with one), under Sozobon C. After a few minor source code corrections
(: instead of ;, and multiple defined functions, etc) it compiled. It seemed to
work, apart from a couple of minor faults (the help function would bomb out
occasionally - 1 bomb, and common to previous versions, would bomb out with 1
bomb if any of the arrow keys/help/undo etc were pressed during insert mode, ie
not very usable).

  The person doing the conversion said that it had not yet been tested out on
the ST. (obviously...!!)

  Has anybody got the time to do a thorough check, and fix of the source..??

(I haven't....... :-)


| Andrew Pollard            | adp1@uk.ac.reading.cs.csug                       |
| Dept of Computer Science  | adp1%uk.ac.reading.cs.csug@uk.ac.nsfnet-relay    |
| Reading University        |                                                  |
| England                   |                                                  |