tower@inmet.UUCP (01/20/86)
I'm looking for old-style humidifier pans for the steam radiators in my home. ____ ( | From the top, they look like this. They hang on the ) | radiator with the scalloped side against the back of the r ( | radiator. One pours water in the top every few days. a ) w | d ( a | I was given one by a friend who was getting rid of the i ) t | radiators in his home, but have not been able to locate a ( e | a current source. t ) r | o ( | Thanx for any help in advance. Please mail me replies. r ) | I'll summarize if there is enuf interest. (____| Len Tower UUCP: {bellcore,ima,ihnp4}!inmet!tower INTERNET: ima!inmet!tower@CCA-UNIX.ARPA