kar7481@cuphub.cup.edu (Dan Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609) (03/15/90)
FOR THOSE OF YOU WISHING TO OBTAIN A "LYNX": The Sears catalog order number is: 1-800-366-3000 (24hrs., toll-free) You MUST ORDER BY ITEM NUMBER!!! Here are the item numbers I have for what's available: (*all prices are un US dollars--This number accepts SEARSCharge or MC/VISA or DISCOVER chargecards) Item Price Order Number ----------------------------------------------------------------- Atari LYNX...............$159.00.....................49-TD-75425 ElectroCop.................34.50.....................49-TD-75431 Blue Lightning.............34.50.....................49-TD-75434 Gates of Zendocon..........34.50.....................49-TD-75432 Gauntlet-III...............38.50.....................49-TD-75433 Comments: ElectroCop---- Kinda like RoboCop.....same idea basically... Blue Lightning---- *THE BEST DAMN GRAPHICS OF ALMOST ANY FLIGHT/ATTACK SIMULATOR!* Better than "Afterburner" on ANY platform including the arcade-level. Yes. This game is THAT good!!! Blows away all implementations of Afterburner. The Trench/canyon flight sequences are GGRREEAATT!! The Gates of Zendocon---- A Defender-like combat game. Compare with R*Type; except only better! [Yep. This is also HIGHLY recommended!] Gauntlet-III---- :-( THIS SUCKER *STILL* HASN'T BEEN RELEASED to my knowledge. Rumored to support 4 LYNXs (4-players) in daisy-chain type configuration... NOTE: CALIFORNIA GAMES IS INCLUDED!!! This one blows the ST version away! [almost...] :-) I hope this helps some of you LYNXless NETrats. Later, +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ !Dan Karbowsky kar7481@pitt!cuphub! S U P P O R T T H E S T ! ! ! ! !102 Lee Drive __________________/ Call the ATARI ELITE of PITTSBURGH'S ! !Belle Vernon, PA / BBS (Forem-ST,fnet node 19) at (412) 384-5609 at 300 ! !15012 U.S.A. / thru 19.2k baud 24 hrs./day 7-days/week!! ! ! / **** WE NOW SUPPORT USRobotics 38.4k/ARQ PROTOCOL !!!! ***! !(412)929-4023 /---Also--Now the NEW H.Q. of the Atari-Users-Association--- ! ! / For more info, send email TITLED "AUA-INFO-REQUEST" ! +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+