[comp.sys.atari.st] 520 ST schematics

logajan@ns.network.com (John Logajan) (03/15/90)

> I read your reference on the .edu Atari bbs on cct schematics,
> could you please give me the details of the appropriate book,
> so I can try & get hold of a copy,  ie title , year,  authors,
> or ISBN no,  or lib. of congress no.

The original 520 ST schematic (circa 1986) appears in a publication
supplement to Sam's Photofact service.  Sam's publishes schematics
for consumer electronic products (TV's, radios, personal computers,
VCR's etc.)  They sell these schematics to radio/TV repair services.
Libraries often purchase sets of these schematics for public reference.

Each year, Sam's also publishes an Index organized by manufacturer
of all their published schematics.  So one would first look in the
Photofact Index to find the actual Photofact publication number for
a given product model number.

In the Atari 520 ST case, it is published in a separate category
called Computerfacts, something like number CSC12 ?

Not every library will have Photofact sets, nor do I know the extent
of international distribution.  If your library has Photofacts at all,
there is a good chance that they have the Computerfacts set.  Otherwise
they probably don't have it.

You might also want to check and see if a similar publication exists
in your own country.  Again, check with your library.

- John Logajan @ Network Systems; 7600 Boone Ave; Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
- logajan@ns.network.com, john@logajan.mn.org, 612-424-4888, Fax 424-2853

logajan@ns.network.com (John Logajan) (03/15/90)

>The original 520 ST schematic (circa 1986) appears in a publication
>supplement to Sam's Photofact service.  Sam's publishes schematics
>for consumer electronic products (TV's, radios, personal computers,
>VCR's etc.)  They sell these schematics to radio/TV repair services.
>Libraries often purchase sets of these schematics for public reference.

Sams Photofacts can also be ordered from:

Howard W Sams + Co
4300 West 62nd St
Indianapolis, Indiana  46268 USA

Phone 1-800-428-SAMS

The Atari 520ST is in Computerfacts CSCS12.

I'm not sure of the price, but it is probably in the neighborhood
of $30.00 American.  Could be more, could be less.

- John Logajan @ Network Systems; 7600 Boone Ave; Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
- logajan@ns.network.com, john@logajan.mn.org, 612-424-4888, Fax 424-2853