[comp.sys.atari.st] GEMINI: I love it!

STOOP@KVI.NL ("P.Stoop, KVI, Zernikeln 25, 9747 AA Groningen, NL") (03/15/90)

It's been mighty quit out here on the net lately. Figure everyone with TOS 1.2
and up is trying to figure out GEMINI... I got my copy from LISTSERV@UOGUELPH.
It came with the latest AMC_GDOS and CLIPBOARD.ACC.
  <> Query: Anybody know of progams supporting CLIPBOARD.ACC?
  <> Question: First thing I did with GEMINI was copying the
sexiest-you-ever-saw icon of TEX.TTP to the desktop and rename it TeX.
Info on this icon says now it's an "alias" of E:\BIN\TEX.TTP. On the disk
with label TEX.DSK.
Dragging a *.tex file icon onto the TeX icon now starts TeX running in the
console window. Next successfull thing was to set the following alias in
mupfel (the shell that runs in the console window):
     alias latex 'tex &lplain'
     latex small.tex
now yields the expected results. This aliasing saves me a shell script
latex.mup. Now you can guess wat I wanted and tried (unsuccessfully):
Having an icon for the alias latex 'tex &lplain' (no shell script).
I tried this by editing GEMINI.INF but most of the time this resulted in the
icon not being executable.
  <> HINTS: Throw away gemini.inf as it contains a lot of useless and annoying
settings that you cannot get rid of otherwise.
  BOTTOM LINE: I am very much tempted to trow away the best shell i ever had
(so far): GPshell (CRAFT) just like I did with GULAM after I got GPshell.


david.megginson@canremote.uucp (DAVID MEGGINSON) (03/18/90)

I also love Gemini. I also love MT C-Shell, because it lets me use 
foreach, etc constructs. Why does Mupfel imitate the Bourne shell 
instead of CShell? Surely no one prefers Bourne shell, except for 
picking apart shell archives (which Mupfel doesn't do anyway)? Still, 
excellent work. I think that Gemini takes another step towards bridging 
the gap between friendly graphic shells and actually useful 
line-oriented shells.

David Megginson, Centre for Medieval Studies
BITNET: meggin@vm.epas.utoronto.ca
 * Via ProDoor 3.1R