[comp.sys.atari.st] Current Notes Thanks Rob DeMillo


                     About Current Notes magazine
                     About Current Notes magazine

	The staff of Current Notes would like to thank Rob DeMillo for his
nice testimonial.  As one of the staffers (I author a monthly column
called "The Junkyard Pussycat") I would like to help correct a few
misimpressions that may be floating around.  First of all, Current Notes
is not published by a consortium of user groups.  Current Notes Inc. is
an independent entity that tries, first of all, to pay all of its bills
and then, if possible, to make a little money.
  	Unfortunately its honesty sometimes get in the way of a pure pursuit
of the profit motive because news sources know that they will be quoted
accurately, and developers know that the shortcomings in their products
will get detailed scrutiny.  The columnists, editors, and reporters are,
however, talented people whose output has earned the magazine a good
measure of credibility in the Atari market.
	CN's writers are not paid.  The ability to get something off one's
chest every once in a while or to help someone who is floundering seems
to be reward enough.  The writers are all part-timers with other full-
time jobs that give them plenty of things to do.  Many of them are
employed by the Federal Government and have a strong commitment to public
service, hence the emphasis on trying to help ordinary Atari users.
	There is a sort of symbiotic relationship with the Washington Area
Atari Computer Enthusiasts (WAACE) with which several of the more
prominent staffers are associated.  This is, indeed, a consortium of user
groups in metropolitan Washington DC, Baltimore, and Richmond.
	WAACE's main activity is sponsoring the Washington DC AtariFest,
about which we will have more later.
	CN does not look as slick as some of the national Atari magazines.
But, as CN starts its 10th year of existence, it is still operating in
the black and its main quality is found in its content. In order to
provide a glossier appearance, we would have to increase circulation well
above the current level of around 4,000 and then expand to a larger,
full-time staff to handle the increased complexity of production and
increased circulation. At the present time, the final layout work can be
done by a single individual using Atari computers and the SLM804 laser
	The honesty that Rob DeMillo finds so engaging can also be an
obstacle.  Some dealers are reluctant to carry a magazine that might
suggest all is not well in the Atari world (potential customers can be
scared off!) Some readers have written in complaining bitterly about
their inability to buy equipment, software, or service, and then, in the
next paragraph, chastise CN for not providing a more upbeat view of the
Atari world.  Advertisers can also find our candor disconcerting and may
react negatively if their products do not receiving glowing reviews from
our authors.
	The Current Notes software library is a leading source of well-
characterized programs and graphics. It currently contains about 440 ST
disks and over 50 Spectre disks. The first 350 or so ST disks in this
library are available on CD-ROM for a price of $70.  It is thought to be
the only Atari product currently available for the Atari CD-ROM drive. 
The TeX distribution (disks #395-#399) is the best source of this
material for a TeX neophyte.  A lot of work goes into keeping this
library up to date and useful.
	Current Notes also lists the stores that carry the magazine several
times a year as a means of pointing people to real Atari dealers.  There
is also a special program for reduced rate subscriptions to user groups
and participating groups are listed in every issue as a means of
introducing Atarians to local user groups.  The magazine pages devoted to
the WAACE groups also provide some insight into the state of user group
activity in at least one section of the country.
	Current Notes can be reached at 122 N. Johnson Rd, Sterling, VA
22170. Phone: 703-450-4761.  Their GEnie address is JOE.WATERS. They now
accept VISA and Mastercard in payment for subscriptions and disk orders.
	Thank you for your attention and I hope that this public service
announcement will be found to be within the bounds of proper Net dialog.

John D. Barnes
The Junkyard Pussycat