[comp.sys.atari.st] WAACE AtariFest '90, Wash DC, 6 and 7 October


<headlin2>For Immediate Release
<headline>WAACE AtariFest '90

	The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts will hold WAACE
AtariFest 1990 on October 6 and 7 1990.  This event will be the premier
East Coast event for people who are interested in software and hardware
for Atari computers.  The show will be staged at the Sheraton
Reston Hotel in Reston, VA.  Show hours will be from 10 am to 7 pm on
both days.  In addition to the shopping bargains available from over
thirty vendors there will be a full round of demonstrations, tutorials,
and seminars.  A banquet on Saturday evening will feature a special
speaker on Atari matters and Current Notes Magazine's "Author of the
Year" award.  Special mixers will cap off the evening's festivities. 
Approximately 3000 visitors from all over the USA, Canada, and other
foreign countries attended the 1989 edition of the show.
	Admission charges are $5 for one day, with a 2-day pass available at
$7.  A discount rate is available for ticket purchases by user groups.
Children under 12 will be admitted free.

	The Sheraton Reston Hotel is a spacious, attractive facility located
in a parklike setting near Washington, DC. The hotel is offering a
special room rate of $59 per night plus tax to Fest goers who reserve by
August 6th.  The hotel room rate includes 2-day passes to the show for
room occupants. 

	The WAACE show has established itself as the premier Atari event for
East Coast Atari fans.  Bob Brodie, Atari Corporation's, goodwill
ambassador, has labelled the WAACE show as one of the two "must see"
events for Atarians held in the USA.

John D. Barnes
WAACE AtariFest '90 Vendor Coordinator