[comp.sys.atari.st] Hard drive questions/ Atari question

cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Anubis) (03/28/90)

Hello World.

First off, is there a hard drive defragger available for the ST,
preferably something PD?  

Second off, we've all heard everyone's opinions on if atari is going
to fold and why they seem to be abusing their users.  Such a dedicated
lot we are, aren't we?  Anyway, why can't some of these guys who work
at atari who have net access attempt to get an official statement from
atari, maybe even from someone IMPORTANT at atari?  To me, Atari seems
to be the single most stupid corporation in the world.  (Advertise?
Hey, what an idea!  Let's ADVERTISE the fact that the ST can emulate a
mac, ibm, cpm, etc...etc...HEY, maybe an 'Uprgrade your Mac to an ST' 
campaign...WOW! WHAT A %$%#$%#@ concept! Ooops, flame off...).

I give up.  Oh Great Gods of Atari, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!

*     Christoper Roth                         *  "Machines have no 
*     InterNet  :  cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu      *   Conscience..."
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Post No Bills-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

gl8f@astsun9.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) (03/28/90)

In article <22758@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Chris Roth) writes:

>  Anyway, why can't some of these guys who work
>at atari who have net access attempt to get an official statement from
>atari, maybe even from someone IMPORTANT at atari? 

Usenet isn't a place where official things get said, generally. The
financial information we've been discussing is the kind of thing your
stockbroker gets; No company with a comp.sys.* group posts things
on it that would be seen as an advertisement.

But you will see Atari people here answering technical questions. And
that's very useful for some of us. Thanks, guys!

Of course, if you make a posting here with the attitude of "I'm asking
Atari a question, they should answer me!" you'll probably become
disappointed. This is the newsgroup of the rabble, not the company;
Atari people happen to participate here, but they don't run the group.
We rabble types are happy to comment about just about anything,

Greg Lindahl
gl8f@virginia.edu                  I gave my lunch for space-sickness research.

boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) (03/28/90)

In article <22758@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>, cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Chris Roth) writes:
>Hello World.
>First off, is there a hard drive defragger available for the ST,
>preferably something PD?  

   Well, the ICD utilities include a defragger (I think) and are free.  The
   catch is that you must own an ICD host adapter to use them (they are 
   about to come out with a new line of HA's, might want to wait if you 
   are about to purchase).  Also, Michtron's Turbo HD kit includes a       
   defragger.  I do not know which is better, if any.

   The next part is a long semi-warm flame, skip now or forever hold your peace.

>Second off, we've all heard everyone's opinions on if atari is going
>to fold and why they seem to be abusing their users.  Such a dedicated
>lot we are, aren't we?  Anyway, why can't some of these guys who work
>at atari who have net access attempt to get an official statement from
>atari, maybe even from someone IMPORTANT at atari?  To me, Atari seems
>to be the single most stupid corporation in the world.  (Advertise?
>Hey, what an idea!  Let's ADVERTISE the fact that the ST can emulate a
>mac, ibm, cpm, etc...etc...HEY, maybe an 'Uprgrade your Mac to an ST' 
>campaign...WOW! WHAT A %$%#$%#@ concept! Ooops, flame off...).
>I give up.  Oh Great Gods of Atari, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!

    I am beginning to believe that Atari managment is more dedicated to 
    making money than making a good product, and then making money.  This
    is the general trend in American business, and it sucks for a product
    like a personal computer because it robs users of much desired support.
    I think Atari would move to selling fried pigskins if they thought they
    could make a buck.  They just do not care that a computer product can 
    REALLY take off given the proper support, they would just rather make 
    a quick buck off the sale of the hardware, and let third parties risk
    tangling with the wiles and whims of supporting a computer product
    (people are notorious for changing their minds for no good reason).
    This is the basic difference between a company like (I hate to say it)
    Apple, and Atari.  Apple does stand behind their products (over-priced 
    as they are), and does help other companies and dealers do the same thing.
    A relationship with Atari starts and ends with the purchase of equipment.
    The sad thing is that the product is so potentially marketable, the only
    computer coming close in terms of user-friendliness being the $$$Mac$$$.
    There are enough people that KNOW that Atari hardware is really good, 
    very cheap, and has some really good stuff written for it, to make this 
    line of computers a success.  But to do this, Atari has to get involved.
    One thing that would really help would be to somehow get the info that 
    most Atari users learn by expensive trial and error out to the general
    potential and new buyer:  What software is really worth the money!  I 
    know that there are many great non-game packages available for the ST
    (Pagestream 1.8, Neodesk, Michtron stuff, Codehead stuff, GBS stuff, 
    Neocept stuff all comes to mind).  The problem is that for every excellent
    program in every catagory, there are 3 or 4 lemons that would discourage
    anyone from ST line.  Atari should endorse good software (or at least 
    WORKING software), and distribute this info with their computers.  Another
    great idea would be to distribute some high-power PD stuff with them 
    (look at the NeXT, it comes with GNU C!!).  There are many PD packages for
    the ST that completely outclass any comercial product of the same type 
    (Uniterm, IMHO would fit this description).  I think that an envelope with
    about 10 disks full of good PD, shareware, and a working software list
    (perhaps on an STwriter file, with STwriter of course) should be given 
    away with every ST.  They could also include demos of stuff, which would
    help the new user decide where to plunk his cash down initially (which is
    the critical time to help people, if they get pissed in the beginning, 
    there will not BE a later for that product).  It really annoys me that
    all the makings of a successful line of computers (empire style) are
    here:  Good machines, good software, good online support (GENIE, etc), 
    enthusiasm of many owners (Atari people have always known that they had 
    some really good stuff, and nobody knew about it.  This creates a rather
    defensive attitude in many, and quite rightly so).  Atari has managed to
    create incredible potential, and then throw it away like complete morons!
    The funny thing is, they DO still make money, and they are a BIG company.
    The Tramiels are not at all displeased with the cash they have received 
    for the sale of Atari equipment, because it is a LOT of cash.  Thus, 
    for the intended goal (making bucks), they are a success.  But they 
    could be a MAJOR success.  In other words, I think that flaming Atari 
    for being ignorant of basic marketing strategy is incorrect.  They do 
    know, but that is not what they are after.  They want to make cash NOW,
    and have the option of moving on later if Atari users turn fickle and 
    go buy IBM's or something.  What they are ignorant of (heehee) is that
    they are CREATING that situation themselves.  Yeesh, enough.  This is 
    now a registered book, I am sorry of the length.            

    Before I send this off, I want to make something clear.  This is MY 
    current opinion.  It might change in 10 minutes, or I might take it 
    with me to the grave.  This is the nice thing about opinions.  If you
    would like to make a comment about my opinion, send it to me.  Do not 
    clutter up the net with opinions of opinions.  Instead, make your very
    OWN opinion, and post IT to the net.  I am sick of flame wars with 
    old messages indented 4 deep in them.  I have seen too many messages get
    butchered down to a few lines (via reply mode) that no longer carry their
    original meaning.  
>*     Christoper Roth                         *  "Machines have no 
>*     InterNet  :  cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu      *   Conscience..."
>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Post No Bills-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


              Mickey Boyd            |    "Nobody can be exactly like me.
          FSU Computer Science       |      Even I have trouble doing it."
        Technical Support Group      |
      mail:  boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu   |              - Tallulah Bankhead