[comp.sys.atari.st] GCC-137 Zoo files / hints on installing gcc

UI0T@DKAUNI2.BITNET ("Thomas Koenig") (05/03/90)

ASQB-SEP-A HQ USAISEC <asqb-sep-a@huachuca-emh2.army.mil> wrote:
> I tried ftping gcc-137.zoo01 through gcc-137.zoo13 from terminator.  I used
> BINARY mode from an Intel320 acting as a DDN node on MILNET.
> I then downloaded them from the Intel to my ST.  01 unzooed OK until it hit
> tm_m68k and then it gave me a corrupt header in file and quit.  When I list al
> the others (02 - 13) I get bad archive error messages and can't even see what'
> inside these files.
> Has anyone else experienced difficulty with these or is it just my host?  All
>  the files came through with the corre.

> I've tried zoo on the ST and also a PC at work although the PC version is only
> 1.31.

You have to concatenate those files to form ONE SINGLE zoo file
first, then un-zoo them. They are just split into (otherwise
meaningless) pieces. To completely install gcc, you also have to
ftp some files from terminator (such as include.zoo etc.).

BTW : take care what zoo makes out of your filenames. I spent a
couple of hours trying to figure out why my hello.c program would not
compile, until I found that the zoo version I use transfers hyphens
in filenames into underscores while unpacking, so gcc was looking for
gcc-cpp.ttp instead of gcc_cpp.ttp which I had on my disk...

Also make sure that handle 2 is directed to the screen, otherwise you
are going to be very confused when compilation of a program aborts
without error messages appear (at least I was). In Mupfel/Gemini, the
best way of doing so is to include the line

set errorfile con:


> Thanks for any help - I hate to have to FTP them again.
> Mark Rhyner
> asqb-sep-a@huachuca-emh2.army.mil  or
> mrhyner%sed@huachuca-emh2.army.mil

Thomas Koenig