[comp.sys.atari.st] Gulam Keyboard


Hi all,

Does anybody know if it's possible to use a non-US keyboard with Gulam ? I've
got the version, which I downloaded from panarthea. Seems like they
forget to write the KEYBFR.COM driver ...

Eric Dujardin
Ecole Superieure d'Electricite  ( SUPELEC )   -   France


Hi all !

This is the end of the story : as I mentionned before, I ordered the C source of
keyfix.tos, modified it to compile with Turbo C, launched it and ... it worked !
That shows clearly that I had received TWO bad patches ! I must say that I don't
understand why it didn't work. Perhaps some weird combination of ascii codes
that my uu-decoder didn't understand ??? (!!!!) ....
Maybe I should try to re-ask for this file.

Thanks anyway to all of you who tried to help me (and succeeded !)


Eric Dujardin   -   Ecole Superieure d'Electricite ( SUPELEC )

Bitnet : dujardin@frese51.bitnet
UUCP : dujardin@madonna.inria.fr