Greetings and salutations, I recently bought a used Lanier word processor system (for the hard drive) and a used Quark QC10 10 MByte hard drive (for appleII/III/macintosh systems). I bought these on spec hoping I could hook either one of them up to my ST. The Lanier has "ST506" stamped on the side of the HD mechanism. I've been told that this is useable with the ST, but that is all I know about it (I don't even know how big it is...:). The Quark I've not had apart yet (perhaps tonite), but it has 2 3-position rocker switches on the back which are used to select which apple computer it hooks up to. Does anyone know if either of these could be used with my 520 ST (upgraded to 1 Meg, color monitor, dual double sided floppies)? Someone told me that I would have to get a host adapter and plug the drive mech into that. True? False? Maybe? Being a poor and struggling college student, I would prefer to go with the cheapest solution possible. :) If you don't feel this warrants a posting, please feel free email me directly at this account. Thanx in advance for any and all replies... ------- In the dark, no one can hear the color of your eyes... Paul Baughman | Senior Student Consultant AKA Unka Paul | Student Support Initiative AKA The Man From UNKA | AKA The Cloned OP | 227C Computer Building AKA The Consultant's OP | University Park PA 16801 AKA The OP's Consultant | (814) 865-2160