[comp.sys.atari.st] DTP and PostScript fonts and output

johnr@praxis.co.uk (John Richards) (05/30/90)

I would like to get a DTP package with the following attributes:

1. Usable for "professional" quality layout and articles.

2. A good selection of fonts covering at least 8 to 32 point size.

3. I have PostScript descriptions of a chess font and macros for producing
chess diagrams. I want to be able to use these as the basis for creating
new fonts for the DTP package; so there must be a font editor capable of
taking PostScript input.

4. Capable of producing reasonable output on a dot-matrix printer, but also
able to produce PostScript output in a file for transfer to another system.

Any suggestions? Please mail me and I will summarize to the net.

                                      John Richards