[comp.sys.atari.st] Behavior of wind_update

saj@chinet.chi.il.us (Stephen Jacobs) (06/03/90)

Will someone who knows please tell me whether multiple calls to wind_update()
with the argument BEG_UPDATE (which I think equals 1) are un-done by a
single call with the argument END_UPDATE (I think 0), or with the same 
number of calls.  For that matter, do multiple successive calls of this
function with the same argument have any bad effect?  
                                 Steve J.

stefan@hpbbi4.HP.COM (#Stefan Bachert) (06/05/90)

/ hpbbi4:comp.sys.atari.st / saj@chinet.chi.il.us (Stephen Jacobs) /  5:47 am  Jun  3, 1990 /
> Will someone who knows please tell me whether multiple calls to wind_update()
> with the argument BEG_UPDATE (which I think equals 1) are un-done by a
> single call with the argument END_UPDATE (I think 0), or with the same 
> number of calls.  For that matter, do multiple successive calls of this
> function with the same argument have any bad effect?  

You have to un-done each BEG_UPDATE with one END_UPDATE
If you give more END_UPDATE than BEQ_UPDATE GEM/AES will crash!
Only since TOS 1.4 exists a method to cancel all BEG_UPDATES.
I don't know off hand what the calls name is.


                                > Steve J.
> d8