[comp.sys.atari.st] Screen Data Formats.

ST131BAP@ST1.VUW.AC.NZ (06/06/90)

	  As an Archimedes owner I have a little problem that I would like some
	help on. I am working on an Atari Screen Convertor that will take Atari
	bitplanes and display them on the Archimedes computer (Obvious huh?).
	The difficulty I have is with Degas Compressed Pictures. I have noted
	that if the first byte has its top bit set (ie a value of &80 or above)
	then the file is compressed. What I need to know is how are the bit 
	planes packed? It does not appear to be run length encoding as that
	seems to produce too many pixels.... Any help on this would  be 
	greatly appreciated as well as any other screen formatts that you 
	know of (I am trying to make this a useful converter!) I can already
	convert Neochrome and uncompressed Degas pictures.
	  Please reply via email to ST131BAP@vuwst2.vuw.ac.nz. Do not post
	as I do not think this will be of much interest to regular readers
	and I have problems keeping up with this news group. 

	  Thanks in advance,
			    Philip Banks.

| Philip Banks (aka BANKSie!) | ST131BAP@vuwst2.vuw.ac.nz                      |