[comp.sys.atari.st] Anyone got PINHED16?

grahamt@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Graham Thomas) (06/07/90)

Can anyone send me PINHED16, the latest version of Charles Johnson's
program to speed file loading?  I've just got a shiny new STE (2 meg! 
Lovely.) and PINHED14 doesn't recognise the TOS 1.6 ROMs.  I know I
could use MAKEFAST to set the fast-loading bit for each program, but
I've read that PINHEAD is more flexible and I'd rather have fast loading
as the default rather than have to set each prog separately.

BTW, has anyone else with an STE found that using ctrl-alt-undo within
NeoDesk to force a cold boot results in 2 bombs?  It might just be one
of my AUTO progs or accessories that's to blame, but I've tried removing
most of them and still get the problem.  ctrl-alt-del for a warm boot in
Neodesk's OK, as is ctrl-alt-rightshift-del for a cold boot outside


Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, U of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
 JANET: grahamt@uk.ac.sussex.syma   BITNET: grahamt%syma.sussex.ac.uk@UKACRL
 INTERNET: grahamt%syma.sussex.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
 UUCP: grahamt%syma.sussex@ukc.uucp  PHONE: +44 273 686758  FAX: [..] 685865