[comp.sys.atari.st] Umoria 5.2 binary for ST wanted

muts@fysaj.fys.ruu.nl (Peter Mutsaers/100000) (06/11/90)

I wonder if someone has compiled umoria 5.2 for the ST.
I tried myself, but I don't have the good compiler (MWC or gcc).
gcc should be able to compile, and I have it as a cross compiler on another
computer (doesn't work in 1 meg), but this way I could not find out
what went wrong.
So if someone else has a binary, I woul like to hear from it.
Thanks in advance,
|Peter Mutsaers               email: muts@fysaj.fys.ruu.nl     |
|Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht           nmutsaer@ruunsa.fys.ruu.nl|
|Buys Ballot lab.             tel: (+31)-(0)30-534504          |