[comp.sys.atari.st] Pc-ditto II trouble

fsdmb3@acad3.fai.alaska.edu (06/12/90)

  Two weeks ago I received my Pc-Ditto II and I installed it without a hitch,
after bending the connector pins and not trying to fit it in my 1040.  I got a
Norton rating of 4.2 and everything was just fine... till I ran a program I
found posted on my local VAX in the PC group.  It was called SCOUT.ARC and it
was supposed to be a Xtree or 1dir -like dos shell demo.  I installed it on a 
floppy disk and ran it, after a terribly long load time it operated fine,
but it only allowed for 13 files and 4 nested directory... it is a demo. 
_BUT_  after removing the program and rebooting I get an _unusable_ PC-clone!
I now have repeated returns after directory and repeated beeps when more than
13 files are listed (just like in the demo program!).  The keyboard input is 
sluggish and the Norton rating fluctuates between a whopping 6 and 0.7!!!
The real shot to the heart is that whenever I run a program that takes over
the whole screen... like Lotus, Word or even Xtree, the computer locks, never
to reawaken!  Any Ideas?  could Scout have re-written the keyboard and screen
handlers in Pc-Ditto II?? I have booted from new DOS disks, with and without
the hard drive and nothing seems to work... Help!  
  Please e-mail me some ideas, or post them normally under Pc-Ditto. Thanks!
University of Alaska, Fairbanks		- Where it's warm when it's 40 bellow. 