[comp.sys.atari.st] reading joystick while hblanking

cdixon@eagle.wesleyan.edu (06/29/90)

Two questions:

1)	Does anyone know a good way to read joystick movements while doing
Hblank interrupts (in this case to get more colors on the screen).  If you 
just replace the joystick vectors with your own without changing the Interrupt 
priorties you get flicker on the scan lines where the interrupt occurs.  I
tried disabling the joystick interrupt and poling the address to the joystick
directly (I forget the exact address [0xfffc08 or something]) but it ends up
reading garbage for the joystick movements.  After tinkering around for a 
while I tried poling the joystick with an Hblank at about the 50th scan line 
and I get pretty consistent results-- but not perfect ( or even acceptable).  
Does anyone know a better way??  (This is on a 1040st)

2)  How can I get a copy of ST Nethack without using internet (I have no way
to transfer files from the Vax [where I access internet] to my ST).

Chris Dixon
Wesleyan University