[comp.sys.atari.st] Single user leaf nodes -- Survey

C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU ("Eric Edwards") (07/02/90)

Please forgive the multiple messages (vs crossposting).  I am posting this
via the daemon at ucbvax and to the best of my knowledge there is no way to
cross post using this method.
I'm working on a paper about personal news feeds.  I'd like to know:

1) How many news groups to you subscribe to?
2) How much total volume (ie. Kbytes) do you receive in a given time
   (say, a week)
3) How long do you keep newsfiles?
4) How much total disk space do your news files take up?

Please EMAIL responses.  Do not post them.

If there is intrest I will post the results at a later date. probably to

   /*/Eric Edwards  c506634@umcvmb.missouri.edu or c506634@umcvmb.bitnet/*/
  /*/ "Sir, you are an excellent star ship captain /"We come in peace, /*/
 /*/  but as a taxi cab driver you leave much to  / shoot to kill"    /*/
/*/  be desired" - Spock, "A Piece of the Action"/  --"Star Trekkin'"/*/