[comp.sys.atari.st] comp.binaries

richard@elroy.uh.edu (03/21/90)

Hi every one
Have there been any posts to Comp.binary.atari.st lately? The last we
received here at U. of H. was fools dated mar 6 90.

                                           Richard L. Coggins
                                          Universit of Houston

richard@jetson.uh.edu (06/16/90)

Hello Net Land
I was just woundering what has happened to Comp.Binaries.AtariST, In the
last three weeks we have not received anything here at the University of
Houston. Is there a net problem? Has anyone else received anything during
this time? Or are we sitting in a dark hole at this end of the net with
nothing getting through?

Any help would be appreciated.
                                                     Richard L. Coggins
                                                    University of Houston

cmm1@CUNIXA.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (Christopher M Mauritz) (07/11/90)

Is it just me or has the flow in comp.binaries.atari.st slowed to only
one posting or so each week?  I'm no programmer or I'd contribute
myself. :-)  What gives?



Chris Mauritz                 |Donde hay una cerveza
cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu   |hay un plan.
(c)All rights reserved.       |
Send flames to /dev/null      |El Guerrero Aereo es el rey!

vanleeuw@udcps3.cps.udayton.edu (James Van Leeuwen) (07/13/90)

In article <CMM.0.88.647713128.cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu> cmm1@CUNIXA.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:
>Is it just me or has the flow in comp.binaries.atari.st slowed to only
>one posting or so each week?  I'm no programmer or I'd contribute
>myself. :-)  What gives?

Well, I've had a couple of posts pending for about three weeks now, with
no results.  So, it could be one of about a thousand things more.  I admit
that I'm no programmer myself, but I do pass along PD/SW programs that
I come across.  Rest assured, somebody is sending things...

 "We didn't start the fire,   /   ___/_                         Jim Van Leeuwen 
  it was always burning      /   /  /  \               The University of Dayton 
  since the world's been    /___/__/   /  UUCP: vanleeuw@udcps3.cps.udayton.edu
  turning..."  --Billy Joel    /______/                             GEnie: JVAN