[comp.sys.atari.st] Can EMACS on ST do 50 line mode?

AAron@image.soe.clarkson.edu (AAron nAAs) (07/16/90)

After programming(editing) on the IBM extensively in 50 line mode, I find
it almost intolerable editing in EMACS on my STe.  I think EMACS is great.
The "ME" that came with MWC has the "-l" option that enables 50 line mode.

SO, is it possible in the recent EMACS ports????  I WANT IT!!

AAron nAAs

roeder@sbsvax.cs.uni-sb.de (Edgar Roeder) (07/16/90)

In article <1990Jul15.234207.27075@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, AAron@image.soe.clarkson.edu (AAron nAAs) writes:
> The "ME" that came with MWC has the "-l" option that enables 50 line mode.
> SO, is it possible in the recent EMACS ports????  I WANT IT!!

Yes it is possible. If you have a program to switch to 50 line mode (i remember
a posting of two files L25.asm and L50.asm some time ago), GNU-Emacs will
recognize this. It will even recognize any other screen size (<= 300 rows and
<= 300 columns) and display them correctly (for example if you use BigScreen,
the low-resolution of the ST or a larger monitor).

> AAron nAAs
> AAron@sun.soe.clarkson.edu

	- Edgar

Mail:  Edgar R\"oder			E-Mail: roeder@cs.uni-sb.de
       Liesbet-Dill-Stra\ss e 3
D-6602 Dudweiler                               -o-   -o-
       W-Germany                                   ^
Phone: 06897/74643                     	       	 '---'

decouty@irisa.fr (Bertrand Decouty) (07/17/90)

In article <5458@sbsvax.cs.uni-sb.de> roeder@sbsvax.cs.uni-sb.de (Edgar Roeder) writes:
| In article <1990Jul15.234207.27075@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, AAron@image.soe.clarkson.edu (AAron nAAs) writes:
| > The "ME" that came with MWC has the "-l" option that enables 50 line mode.
| > 
| > SO, is it possible in the recent EMACS ports????  I WANT IT!!
| > 
| Yes it is possible. If you have a program to switch to 50 line mode (i remember
| a posting of two files L25.asm and L50.asm some time ago), GNU-Emacs will

You can also, with micro-emacs 3.10e, put this line into your emacs.rc:
set $sres DENSE	(HIGH will return to 24-lines mode)

Of course, this works only in monochrome.

Bertrand Decouty.

[ Bertrand DECOUTY             | EMAIL : decouty@irisa.fr, decouty@irisa.uucp  ]
[ IRISA - INRIA (Atelier)      |         {uunet,mcsun,inria}!irisa!decouty     ]
[ Campus de Beaulieu           | PHONE : +33  99 36 20 00                      ]
[ F-35042 Rennes Cedex - FRANCE| FAX : +33  99 38 38 32 | TELEX: 950473 UNIRISA]

bill@mwca.UUCP (Bill Sheppard) (07/18/90)

In article <1990Jul15.234207.27075@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> AAron@image.soe.clarkson.edu (AAron nAAs) writes:
>After programming(editing) on the IBM extensively in 50 line mode, I find
>it almost intolerable editing in EMACS on my STe.  I think EMACS is great.
>The "ME" that came with MWC has the "-l" option that enables 50 line mode.
>SO, is it possible in the recent EMACS ports????  I WANT IT!!
>AAron nAAs

MicroEmacs 3.10 for the ST (and possibly earlier versions) in monochrome
supports a variable ($mode?) that set to DENSE will give 47-lines. Check
the ST-specific documentation for the exact details.
#  Bill Sheppard -- bill@mwca.microware.com -- {uunet,sun}!mcrware!mwca!bill   #
#  Microware Systems Corporation  ---  OS-9: Seven generations beyond __/_!!   #
#######Opinions expressed are my own, though you'd be wise to adopt them!#######

jg@hpldola.HP.COM (Joe Gilray) (07/19/90)

I can't make 'me' do 50 line mode :-(

I used hi50.tos then tried all the following with no luck:

me -l50 <file>
me -l 50 <file>
me l50 <file>
me l 50 <file>
me -l <file>
me l <file>

So, how can I do it??????

'mg' (micro gnu) emacs works in 50 line mode, but I would like to
use 'me' because it is integrated with the compiler.

Thanks in Advance
Joe Gilray

dan@mdbs.uucp (Daniel Lawrence) (07/24/90)

In article <1990Jul15.234207.27075@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> AAron@image.soe.clarkson.edu (AAron nAAs) writes:
>After programming(editing) on the IBM extensively in 50 line mode, I find
>it almost intolerable editing in EMACS on my STe.  I think EMACS is great.
>The "ME" that came with MWC has the "-l" option that enables 50 line mode.

>SO, is it possible in the recent EMACS ports????  I WANT IT!!


	MicroEMACS 3.10, which runs on the ST series, will allow you to
add the line:

set $sres DENSE

	to your emacs.rc file and it will come up in 50 line mode on a
monochrome monitor.  Also you can type


	to do this while in EMACS.  LOW and MEDIUM are also modes that
will control the screen resolution in the above commands.

			Daniel Lawrence  voice: (317) 742-5153
					  arpa:	mdbs!dan@ee.ecn.purdue.edu
				The Programmer's Room 
				Fido: 1:201/10 - (317) 742-5533