[comp.sys.atari.st] Sozobon C Compiler for ST

clive@aldetec.oz (Clive Salvidge) (07/23/90)

Can someone out there tell me what the latest release version of
the Sozobon C compiler for the ST is????
The latest i have seen is 1.0 with updates to 1.2 i think??

Clive Salvidge

Clive Salvidge       	ACSnet   :  clive@aldetec.oz
			Internet :  clive@aldetec.oz.au
Aldetec Pty Ltd.        Voice    :  +61-9-4451888   0900 - 1700 WST

schultzd@kira.uucp (David Schultz) (07/24/90)

Where can I get sozobon 1.2 binaries (source if binaries are out of
the question)?  Does 1.2 have better support of the desktop?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ARMAGGEDON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
schultzd@egr.msu.edu		| Dave Schultz, Michigan State University
schultzd@cpsin.cps.msu.edu	|        Dept. of Computer Science
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